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Initiatives from Members


« No more no less » is back on the screens for ACIBEV’s new campaign « Wine in Moderation 2021 ».

From the 20th November to the 31st December, ACIBEV’s social responsibility video was broadcasted on TV channels between 22h30 and 01h00, for a total of 316 spots.

In 2021, ACIBEV launched the new campaign on TV and on a new advertising channel: Playce, where it is possible to segment the audience to better target the message of moderate consumption. The social responsibility ad was shown in full screen, with no chance of skipping, when a user selected a show to watch on their pay TV service, with a total of 124,000 views.

As national coordinator, ACIBEV is responsible for implementing the Wine in Moderation programme in Portugal through actions that encourage a healthy lifestyle by focusing on the importance of moderate wine consumption. This campaign aims to promote moderation during a period with higher consumption rates: Christmas and New Year’s Eve.