“If you drink, don't drive!” ACIBEV raises awareness to the risks of drinking and driving in three wine fairs in Lisbon

As part of its commitment to the Wine in Moderation Programme and the National Alcohol and Health Forum, ACIBEV was present at the three wine fairs in Lisbon to raise awareness among consumers of the importance of moderation and the risks of drink and driving.
Under the motto "If you drink, don't drive!", ACIBEV and the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) raise the awareness of over 2400 visitors of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. ACIBEV carried out 1,596 breathalyser tests, which revealed values between 0 and 2.67 g/l, and 813 simulations of driving under the influence of different BAC levels.
At the three events, around 2,500 leaflets were distributed with relevant messages on the importance of moderate consumption and the guidelines for low-risk consumption. Other promotional materials such as pens and key rings with the Wine in Moderation logo were also handed out.