The Wine in Moderation Programme invites all entities, companies, associations, and other organisations linked to the wine value chain (production, distribution, retail, hospitality, promotion, and consumption) to join our social responsibility programme and take action.
There are several ways in which you can get involved depending on the nature of your entity and your reach (local, national, international).
- I am a wine professional and I operate at national level
- I am a leading wine company
- I represent a National Wine Association
- I represent a European or international association and we are linked to the wine value chain
- My organisation doesn't fall under the categories mentioned above

I am a wine professional and I operate at national level
All entities related directly or indirectly to the wine value chain at national level are welcomed to join as WiM Supporters.
The WiM Supporter adheres:
- to our values and principles and follows the Wine Communication Standards (WCS),
- to sustain the missions and objectives of the programme and
- to encourage moderation and responsibility in the consumption of wine, by taking Wine in Moderation actions under the guidance of the National WiM Coordinator
As soon as your entity is accepted by the National Coordinator to join the programme, you will be registered and authorised to use the Wine in Moderation TM/logo and take action.
You have already joined the programme, but you haven’t registered online yet? Create your WiM Supporter’s account to download the Wine in Moderation logo and materials

To join the Wine in Moderation programme as a WiM supporter, please click here

I am a leading wine company
As a leading wine company, you would like to become a leader in social responsibility? Contact WiM Association and send us information about your company and why you would like to become one of our Ambassador Companies.
As effective members of the WiM Association, Ambassador companies actively shape the social responsibility movement of the wine sector.

I represent a National Wine Association
As a national wine association, you would like to launch the Wine in Moderation programme in your country? Send us information about your association, its representativeness, and your motivation.
To learn more about National WiM Coordinators and the countries with existing programmes, click here.

I represent a European or international association and we are linked to the wine value chain
You are a European or international association, you have members at national/regional level linked to the wine value chain, and you are not a wine production/trade representative association or leading wine company?
Join the Wine in Moderation movement as Partner of the programme. We would love to know more about your organisation and your interest to join the movement, contact us here!

My organisation doesn't fall under the categories mentioned above
Contact us through our “Contact” page and give us more details about who you are and what you do. We will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact us here !