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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


Let’s take a measure of life – 4th edition of the healthy week at Sogrape Vinhos

Let’s take a measure of life – 4th edition of the healthy week at Sogrape Vinhos

In the frame of the Wine in Moderation programme in Portugal and its commitment to the Alcohol and Health National Forum, Sogrape Vinhos organised the 4th edition of its annual week “Let’s take a measure of life”. With a special focus on “Health without frontiers”, this year’s edition emphasized once again on the three pillars: drinking in moderation, good diet and exercise.

From the 5th to the 9th of September, Sogrape Vinhos employees had the opportunity to experience a series of healthy activities during their working hours, learning more about the moderate consumption of alcohol.

Besides all the activities planned to encourage physical exercise, such as the daily walks and the fitness classes, this edition also saw the organisation of the “WiM Games without Frontiers”. Thirty-five employees participated and answered questions related to the consumption of alcohol. This particular game aimed at assessing the impact of the information about Wine in Moderation which has been provided over the years. Results showed that the information was well retained since only one team out of five failed one little question.

In addition to these activities, Sogrape Vinhos also held a workshop about social responsibility, where the company’s obligations in commercial communication was explained and where additional information was provided on how rules apply on digital and social media.

Last but not least, informative posters were also exhibited in the facilities, and six hundred Wine in Moderation leaflets were distributed to the staff.