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Wine in Moderation News
Initiativ från medlemmar


European Day of Wine Tourism

European Day of Wine Tourism

The 7th edition of the European Day of Wine Tourism will take place next 8 November and for the second consecutive year, wine territories on both sides of the Atlantic will celebrate this day.

With the aim to make wine culture more accessible to the citizens and highlight the quality of wine, the European Day of Wine Tourism is a day that invites wine and tourism lovers to enjoy the activities organised by cities and wine routes in Europe and North America.

In this seventh edition, more than 60 territories will participate, organising guided tours of wineries, wine tasting, visits to touristic and historical places of the territory, walks through vineyards, wine pairings, etc.

The success of this commemoration highlights the interest of wine tourism in Europe and beyond. Promoted by WIM Partner - European Network of Wine Cities (RECEVIN), this initiative is an annual event held every second Sunday of November since 2009.

Curious to know which countries are participating - click here.

More information: www.recevin.net or facebook European Day of Wine Tourism.