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ViniPortugal - Sogrape Vinhos: Vinho a Copo

ViniPortugal - Sogrape Vinhos: Vinho a Copo

"A Copo!" (Wine by the Glass) programme launched by the by ViniPortugal (the national wine promotion agency) in Lisbon and Oporto allows consumers to choose the style of wine they want to try, and drink it in the measure that is right for them, without being committed to ordering a full bottle when they would like just a glass. The programme facilitates and encourages them to be moderate and really enjoy the choice.

Sogrape Vinhos cooperated with the national wine promotion agency – Viniportugal – in the “Wine by the Glass” events in Lisbon and Oporto, sponsoring a team to distribute WIM information and offer voluntary breathalyzer tests to people in restaurants and wine bars. The team invited consumers in restaurants and in the street to test their alcohol levels after tasting the wines they had selected while spreading the WIM message and raising awareness on the risks of abusive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Approximately 400 people were reached and 500 WIM leaflets were handed out. This activity was reported in the Press by “Revista do Vinho”, Portugal’s leading wine magazine.