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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Novità dall'Associazione


The Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme scores an outstanding 93/100 for its reporting to the EAHF

The Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme scores an outstanding 93/100 for its reporting to the EAHF

Accountability is at the heart of the European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF) and a key success factor of the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme’s Commitment to the EAHF.

Based on Input and Output Key Performance Indicators and evaluated by a third independent body, the reporting is an essential tool demonstrating the effective implementation of the commitment in an objective and measurable manner.

Every year, every member of the Forum has the responsibility to report on the efforts and results of their commitment.

The 2013 intermediate report for the WIM commitment received the outstanding score of 93% in the 2013 assessment of EAHF monitoring activities, executed by the independent consultant appointed by EC DG SANCO Milieu, scoring way above the EAHF’s commitment average.

In their main conclusion the evaluators commented “The monitoring report is a laudable example of a very comprehensively written report, achieving very high scores in all four scoring areas (specificity, clarity, focus and measurement)”.

Taking the opportunity of relevant discussions during the recent EAHF (09/04/2014), Stylianos Filopoulos Director of the WIM Aisbl mentioned “In WIM, we pay high value on the accountability and the EAHF’s reporting procedure” and continued “we consider reporting as a tool for our continuous improvement and we are looking forward to working with all stakeholders to make this tool even more relevant”

Based on Key Performance Indicators and other evaluation tools, WIM report brings together the accumulative efforts made at national and European level by WIM members.