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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Iniziative dei nostri membri


Deutsche Weinakademie launches two brand news tools to continue sharing knowledge on wine consumption and health

Deutsche Weinakademie launches two brand news tools to continue sharing knowledge on wine consumption and health

Whether listening to podcasts while going for a walk in the nature or reading informative texts on our smartphones while waiting in line, nowadays it is very easy to keep ourselves updated and learn about any topic we might be interested in.

As a wine consumer you are certainly interested in knowing more about what is considered a moderate consumption of wine. If you speak German, we might have the right suggestion for you!

Our German member, the Deutsche Weinakademie, has launched two brand new tools to help raise awareness on the benefits of moderate consumption of wine and the risks for health coming from excessive drinking:

- If you prefer listening, do not miss any episode of the Podcasts!

- Would you rather be a reader? Have a look the Fact-check section of DWA website.

…or check them both and expand your knowledge with a wider range of topics!