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Jerez: the 2014 European Wine City

Jerez: the 2014 European Wine City

On 22nd February, Jerez hosted the Official Act Designation Jerez, European Wine City 2014. The event, chaired by the President of RECEVIN, Pietro Iadanza, counted on the attendance of the latest European Wine Cities, Marsala in 2013 and Palmela in 2012. During the official designation, the President of RECEVIN submitted the certifying plate of Jerez, European Wine City 2014 to the Mayor of Jerez, María José García- Pelayo. For her behalf, the Mayor of Marsala, European Wine City 2013, Giulia Adamo, passed the baton to Jerez de la Frontera as European Wine City 2014, providing the RECEVIN flag.

RECEVIN proclaimed in 2012 the annual competition of the European Wine City, in the context of advocacy and dissemination of wine tourism activities. This contest recognizes the city whose candidacy best projects the common wine culture traits in European territories while emphasizes its specificity and their wines. The nomination goes each year to a different country of the Network.

Jerez de la Frontera also hosted the first Board of Directors of the Network in 2014, on whom attended the President of RETECORK, Dionisio Mendes, to reaffirm their willingness to work together on projects.

For more information, visit Recevin's website.