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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
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Vinos de Chile joins the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme

Vinos de Chile joins the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme

WIM welcomes a new member from South America to further spread the message of moderation and responsibility

Brussels, 12 June 2014

Vinos de Chile becomes member of the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM Aisbl) Association and joins in the Wine in Moderation–Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme, to tackle alcohol-related harm and promote a heritage of appreciation and a wine culture of millennia.

This new membership further strengthens the already strong ties between WIM and South America and firmly establishes Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre as the social responsibility movement of the global wine sector.

Vinos de Chile is already widely known and appreciated for its firm commitment to sustainability, with a concrete Sustainability Code of the Chilean Wine Industry, incorporating sustainable practices in wine growing companies.

With their membership, approved by the WIM Aisbl General Assembly in May 2014, Vinos de Chile becomes the national contact point of WIM programme and responsible for the planning, co-ordination and accountability of WIM in Chile.

The WIM Programme is a single programme with a common message and architecture but with the capacity to adapt to national needs and cultural identities. Carefully planned and adopted, the WIM programme, through the distribution of information and education campaigns backed by science and self-regulation, will secure and further reinforce the Social Responsibility Pillar of the Vinos de Chile Sustainability programme.  

 “It is a great pleasure to welcome Vinos de Chile to the Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre programme as we share the key values of moderation and responsibility as applied to the marketing and consumption of wine” commented George Sandeman, President of WIM Aisbl. “The programme is becoming truly global!”

“Joining WIM reflects the commitment of Vinos de Chile with sustainability, which includes in its social dimension, the responsibility with consumers. This is part of our National Sustainability Code of the Chilean Wine Industry and it is also part of our strategic plan" states Vinos de Chile’s President, René Araneda”.

Further information on the Wine in Moderation –Art de Vivre (WIM) Aisbl, Vinos de Chile, can be found below as well as on the Associations website together with the full press package: & 


About us

Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme

The Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) programme was officially launched in 2008 as the wine sector's contribution to the European Commission's EU Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF), within the framework of the EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm. Building on the values of the “wine culture” and founded on information backed by science, broad education and self-regulation, WIM is the tangible and measurable commitment of the wine business community to promote responsibility and moderation. WIM is a single common programme which is centrally coordinated and implemented nationally and has the capacity to adapt into local needs respecting cultural diversity and regional identities.


Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) aisbl

The “Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) Aisbl” is the not for profit international organisation founded in 2011 by the European wine sector to coordinate the European and international implementation and development of the WIM Programme.  Today, WIM Aisbl is rapidly growing establishing the WIM programme as the social responsibility movement of the global wine sector. Members of WIM Aisbl include national wine associations and leading wine companies that are highly respected for their excellence and their social responsibility.


Vinos de Chile

The Vinos de Chile trade organisation was founded in April 2007 to unite the Chilean wine industry by joining the two previously existing organizations, Viñas de Chile and ChiledVid. Wines of Chile is the international branch of Vinos de Chile.

Vinos de Chile was created with the following goals:

  • Strengthen and expand the Chilean wine industry by participating in analysing and drafting governmental policies on development, promotion, free trade agreements, and regulations. Promote Chilean wine at home and abroad.
  • Promote and communicate research and development on new technologies and processes throughout the entire industry chain.
  • Provide a point of interaction for the members and orient them in the different aspects of the business without affecting their own identities.
  • Improve the skills of the industry’s work force through training and social benefits for industry employees.



For more information please contact

Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre Aisbl

Director Stylianos Filopoulos

Τ. +32 488 790 724 | Ε. [email protected]

Vinos de Chile

General Manager R&D Patricio Parra

T. +56 (2) 221 80 600 | Ε. [email protected]