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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Vin et Société launches communication initiatives during COVID-19 crisis

Vin et Société launches communication initiatives during COVID-19 crisis

Covid-19. For those who stay at home and for those who go to work, the period of quarantine raises a lot of questions and sometimes generates stress. It is a daily challenge that has an impact on our lifestyles and our relationship with others.

With a big part of the world under quarantine, a lot of organisations have been trying to keep in touch with their customers and consumers. Vin et Société has joined the movement and has developed a number of initiatives to inform wine consumers about the moderate consumption of wine during quarantine.

They provide the main information on how to best enjoy wine during quarantine: “Yes to wine but always in moderation!”

What about wine? It continues to create moments of conviviality, thanks to the creativity of all, but must always be consumed in moderation! Vin et Société has therefore taken the initiative to share some tips and tricks such as:

  • Vary what you drink during your e-meetings, alternate with non-alcoholic beverages such as fruit juices, mocktails, etc.... let your imagination run wild!
  • Respect the drinking guidelines: don’t drink more than the recommended guidelines
  • Serve the right measure: serving sizes are important, be careful not to use too large glasses!
  • Sometimes it’s better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages: certain situations and some individuals should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and being in quarantine does not change that !
  • Seek help if you need it: Because it causes anxiety and isolation, sometimes boredom, quarantine can be difficult, and can make you realize that you have trouble controlling your alcohol intake. Help and answers to your questions exist: talk to your doctor over the phone, ask specialist associations or contact "Alcohol Info Service".

They invite winemakers to share their daily life on social networks!

The agricultural world, an essential player in the economic and food life of the country, continues its activity in this unprecedented period of health crisis, whenever possible while respecting everyone's security. The winemakers also: pruning the vines, working in the cellars to continue developing the 2019 vintage, bottling ...

This is why Vin & Société and the communication agency La Bicyclette de Paul invite all the players in the vineyard and wine sector to share their daily work through photos and videos posted on social media around the hashtag # LaVigneContinue (#thevinecontinues).