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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Notícias da Associação


“Eat! Brussels Drink! Bordeaux” moderation

“Eat! Brussels Drink! Bordeaux” moderation

For the second consecutive year, Bordeaux wines join Brussels’ most famous food fair. Primarily based on the discovery of gastronomies from around the globe, today “Eat! Brussels Drink! Bordeaux” also invites visitors to taste French gastronomy through a wide variety of Bordeaux wines. Gastronomy and moderation go hand in hand and WIM is there to encourage moderation and responsibility and a full appreciation.

Surrounded by gourmet plates and wine tastings, there are a few simple guidelines that can give the consumer a richer experience, for example learning how to enjoy a good glass of wine in a responsible and moderate way.

It is in this frame that organisers have developed the concept of “Wine Pass” through which participants are encouraged to discover the art of wine tasting by joining a session organised by the School of Bordeaux Wines. Moreover, in order to make sure that the amount of wine poured does not exceed tasting purposes, people participating also receive a glass bearing a limited serving size, and to further ensure a responsible consumption of the wines, spittoons will also made available.

Wine in Moderation postcards and leaflets bearing the responsible message will also be made available at the different stands of the event to enable consumers to make responsible and informed decisions to support a sustainable lifestyle.

“Eat! Brussels Drink! Bordeaux” will take place in the Central Park of Brussels from 10 to 13 September 2015. You will find more information about the event on the dedicated website.