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Wine in Moderation in Italian media

Wine in Moderation in Italian media

Wine in Moderation became the talk of the town during Vinitaly, appearing in different Italian media.

Wine in Moderation President, Sandro Sartor took part in the radio show ‘La Versione delle Due’, broadcast on national Rai Radio 2, where he was interviewed by Andrea Delogu and Silvia Boschero about the Wine in Moderation programme. During the broadcast Mr. Sartor talked, among others, about the origins of Wine in Moderation and the importance not only of moderation but also of knowledge, appreciation, and respect of wine as a way to attain a sustainable culture of wine.

To listen to the full interview, click here (min 35:17).

Carmen Caruccio from Unione Italiana Vini, National Coordinator of Wine in Moderation in Italy was also interviewed by the Veneto Regional news broadcast of TG3 Rai, where she provided a summary of what Wine in Moderation stands for and what it is all about.

To view the interview, click here (min 11:36).

Finally, the President of Consorzio di Tutela della Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco, Stefano Zanette, was interviewed by Wine Meridian, an important Italian online wine magazine. During the interview Mr. Zanette talked about the Consorzio’s recent adhesion to the Wine in Moderation programme and the importance of committing to such initiatives, as part of companies’ social sustainability efforts.

To listen to the full interview, click here.