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Join Wine in Moderation at Vinitaly next month

Join Wine in Moderation at Vinitaly next month

Expanding our presence at trade fairs has allowed Wine in Moderation to gain visibility within the wine business by giving us an opportunity to explain what the programme is about, while encouraging actors in the wine sector to take action. In this frame, Wine in Moderation will be present at Vinitaly for the second consecutive year with a stand located between Halls 2 and 3, empowering the Italian wine sector with knowledge on the programme and moderate drinking.

Vinitaly will take place on 14 – 17 April 2024 with events, walk-around tastings, specific theme areas, as well as focus meetings. The 56th international Wine and Spirits Exhibition is the biggest event of its kind in Italy and is expecting visitors from all over Europe, the Americas, and the UK.

Our National Coordinators in Italy, FEDERVINI and Unione Italiana Vini, will also bring the Wine in Moderation programme to the attention of this international audience by organising an event in joint collaboration, with the aim to present the programme and how to implement it within a company.