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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


Responsible Service Training: a must for students of Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism

Responsible Service Training: a must for students of Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism

Sogrape Vinhos in the person of George Sandeman carried out the 3rd edition of the responsible service training. 80 students from the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Porto attended the session which took place on April 12th.

Topics such as the legislation in force for the consumption and service of alcohol, the impact of alcohol on the body, how to face difficulties when selling alcoholic beverages, how to create the right environment, etc. were some of the issues presented to the participants. Students were also informed about the benefits of a moderate and responsible consumption and the risks of abuse and misuse of alcoholic beverages.

Sogrape Vinhos handed out 80 brochures about the WINE IN MODERATION project as well as 80 training manuals to the students who attended the training action.

Launched in 2015, the project aims to promote moderate and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages and to reduce alcohol-related harm by educating professionals on the concepts of moderation and responsibility. The initiative's goal is to minimise the damages caused by excessive consumption and/or early alcohol consumption and develop a strategy that facilitates responsible sales.