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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


“Moderate wine consumption and Mediterranean Diet” an event by Unione Italiana Vini and the Italian Trade Agency

“Moderate wine consumption and Mediterranean Diet” an event by Unione Italiana Vini and the Italian Trade Agency

The event organised in Brussels last 20 February, gathered Ms. Ursula Fradera, scientific coordinator of the Wine Information Council, prof. Ramon Estruch, Department of Internal Medicine at Hospital Clínic (Barcelona, Spain) and prof. Attilio Giacosa, professor of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy and Gastroenterologist at CDI (Italian Diagnostic Center, ed.) in Milan and member of the Scientific Committee of IRVAS, Institute for Research on Wine, Food and Health to present the latest scientific data on the topic at hand.

Attended by a great number of public authorities and stakeholders, including Stefano Verrecchia, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union, and the MEPs Paolo De Castro and Herbert Dorfmann, the event was also the opportunity to underline the important place wine holds in the Mediterranean diet and the central place of the drinking pattern and context in which it is consumed.