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Press Release


Porto, 7th May 2014

RECEVIN, the European Network of Wine Cities, is joining forces with WIM Aisbl, the international Association responsible for the coordination and development of the Wine in Moderation–Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme, in the battle against alcohol-related harm, and sustain the millennia old heritage and culture of wine.

The WIM Programme is an initiative which aims to promote the values of moderation and responsibility while drinking wine. This is realized through a myriad of smaller or larger, local, national or international actions in the form of information campaigns, professional & consumer education and sector self-regulation.

The main objective of the Partnership agreement, signed on 7th May 2014 in Porto, between the two European associations is for members of RECEVIN (European wine cities) to, on a voluntary basis, establish partnerships at national / local level with the respective national WIM Members (e.g. national wine associations; WIM Ambassador Companies) and work together with consumers and where alcohol-related problems might be found, to establish moderation as a trend and responsibility as a culture, safeguarding the important role of wine in the sustainability of our European Wine Regions.

Wine is part of a millennia old heritage in Europe. Our roots are in the soil and communities which have grown over time, linked to cultivation, winemaking and commerce, and the moderate and responsible enjoyment of our wines is key to the sustainability of our environment and people. This makes the link with RECEVIN all the more important”, mentioned George TD Sandeman, WIM Aisbl President in his speech.

Through this agreement, the message of Wine in Moderation / Art de Vivre will arrive directly to 80 wine cities that are our direct partners, but will also reach nearly 800 other cities, indirect partners through National Wine Cities Associations in different countries”, mentioned Carme Ribes, RECEVIN General Secretary in her speech.
The event took place in Porto, with the opportunity of the WIM Aisbl General Assembly. The WIM Aisbl counts 3 Members in Portugal namely the Wine Associations ACIBEV & AEVP and the WIM’s Ambassador Company Sogrape Vinhos SA.

Likewise, RECEVIN has a very active and dynamic network of wine cities all over Portugal, represented by AMPV.

Further information on the Wine in Moderation –Art de Vivre (WIM) Aisbl, RECEVIN, can be found below as well as on the Associations website together with the full press package (photos, press release in different languages etc.): http://www.wineinmoderation.eu/ & http://recevin.eu/.


About us
Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) Programme
The Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) programme was officially launched in 2008 as the wine sector's contribution to the European Commission's EU Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF), within the framework of the EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm. Building on the values of the “wine culture” and founded on information backed by science, broad education and self-regulation, WIM is the tangible and measurable commitment of the wine business community to promote responsibility and moderation. WIM is a single common programme which is centrally coordinated and implemented nationally and has the capacity to adapt into local needs respecting cultural diversity and regional identities.

Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) aisbl
The “Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre (WIM) Aisbl” is the not for profit international organisation founded in 2011 by the European wine sector to coordinate the European and international implementation and development of the WIM Programme. Today, WIM Aisbl is rapidly growing establishing the WIM programme as the social responsibility movement of the global wine sector. Members of WIM Aisbl include national wine associations and leading wine companies that are highly respected for their excellence and their social responsibility.

RECEVIN is the European Network of Wine Cities composed of towns or groups of towns belonging to the European Union with a strong economic dependence of viticulture and located in areas protected by the quality guarantee of their wines.
The union and the strength of the European Wine Cities (RECEVIN) is the tool to defend with one voice the interests of European local administrations economically linked to wine and a joint platform for knowledge transfer processes, contacts and partnership. RECEVIN has the support of the National Associations of Wine present in most of the 9 country members of the network that result in the strength of almost 800 cities across Europe.

ACIBEV - “Associação dos Comerciantes e Industriais de Bebidas Espirituosas e Vinhos”, established in January 1975, is the national trade association, which represents the wine, spirits, vinegars and wines derivatives sector and trade in Portugal. ACIBEV currently represents a significant part of the turnover of this sector, among which are the largest national exporters of Portugal and most of the leading companies in the various appellations and GIs with brands which add value to Portuguese wines.

The Association of Port Wine Companies (AEVP) is a private non-profit organisation, which was established in Portugal in January 1975. AEVP comprises 16 Members who currently represent about 90% of the total sales of Port Wine and 35% of the total sales of Douro wines with PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), a rare percentage that reflects its unchallenged position in the industry.
Sogrape Vinhos S.A.
Sogrape Vinhos, Portugal’s leading family owned wine company, has an international dimension and a strong focus on building premium wine brands which respond to consumer demand. Founded in 1942 with the creation of Mateus Rose, Sogrape Vinhos is led today by the third generation of the Guedes family and cultivates more than 1,250 Ha of vineyards in Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Chile and New Zealand.


For more information please contact

Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre Aisbl
Director Stylianos Filopoulos
Τ. +32 488 790 724 | Ε. [email protected]

Secretaría General de RECEVIN
General Secretary Carme Ribes Porta
T. +34 93 818 01 37 | Ε. [email protected]