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Wine in Moderation News
Nyheter från föreningen


Get ready for the Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health Congress!

Get ready for the Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health Congress!

The upcoming Congress, “Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health” which will take place next October in Toledo, Spain, will gather international scientists to present the latest scientific evidence about thebenefits of a healthy lifestyle, combining information on maintaining an active lifestyle, a balanced Mediterranean-style diet and a moderate consumption of wine.

We are delighted to announce the launch of the brand new Congress website where you will find all the relevant information to organise your trip, but most importantly where you will discover the scientific programme of the Congress.  You will also have the possibility to explore the sessions, presentations, and speakers who will be contributing with their expertise to the congress.

Should you be interested in participating in the Congress, this is also possible through sponsorship. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further information. !