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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


ACIBEV and Sogrape sponsor congress for wine professionals in Portugal

ACIBEV and Sogrape sponsor congress for wine professionals in Portugal

As part of their commitment to the Wine in Moderation Programme in Portugal, ACIBEV and Sogrape sponsored the 8th edition of the, which took place on the 25th and 26th May. Carried out in a hybrid format under the theme “The Wine Way: More, Better, Greener”, the international winemaking congress targeted professionals of the sector.

As part of their institutional support, a new social responsibility short movie was displayed throughout the event and leaflets containing information about the consumption of alcoholic beverages were distributed. The promotion of the Wine in Moderation programme was also visible thanks to the introduction of the Wine in Moderation logo in all the event’s communications Vinideas, the organizers of the congress.