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ASOVINOS puts sustainability at the forefront of Expovinos Medellin 2022

ASOVINOS puts sustainability at the forefront of Expovinos Medellin 2022

ASOVINOS participated in the "Expovinos" fair in the city of Medellin with the goal of giving voice to the Wine in Moderation message and promote values of social responsibility and responsible consumption. Some of the actions carried out also targeted sustainability in general to raise awareness about the reuse of corks and wine bottles.

Present with a stand at the fair, ASOVINOS also held talks about the importance of sustainability for the wine sector, while delving into essential concepts, such as: recycle, reuse, reduce, repair and recover.

Responsible production and marketing are crucial for the future of the sector as well as everything that is done afterward with the products and their packaging, something that is key for ASOVINOS. "We consider responsible consumption an essential matter linked to core philosophy however, at Asovinos we want to expand our message about moderation, under the pillars of self-care, legality, and now sustainability" says Luz María González de Bedout, president of Asovinos.

"We invite all our associates and other members of the wine industry to join sustainable initiatives because we believe that every grain of sand counts. We are at a decisive moment to curb the effects of climate change, it is time to be part of the change! and together we will continue to work for our industry and sustainable responsible consumption". says Luz María González, president of Asovinos.

With this, there are now four pillars (moderation, self-care, legality and sustainability) with which Asovinos continues to demonstrate its commitment to the promotion of responsible wine consumption and confirms itself as an active member of the Wine in Moderation community.