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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
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Wine in Moderation at 2016 FIVS conference

Wine in Moderation at 2016 FIVS conference

18-20 April, Brussels. For yet another year, FIVS held their Global Trade Policy Conference, in Brussels. WiM association was there to inform the high representatives of wine and spirits business about the Wine in Moderation Programme Implementation and raise significance on social responsibility actions.

FIVS is looking to promote a successful global alcohol beverage industry, operating on the principles of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and focused on consumer interests. Therefore, the conference’ session on social responsibility, was the perfect opportunity to present Wine in Moderation's experience in organising action, empowering professionals and encouraging moderation and responsibility.

The FIVS Spring Conference was held at the Royal Windsor Hotel in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was attended by representatives from Europe, Argentina, Australia, Chile, the European Commission, the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), New Zealand, South Africa and the United States of America. Environmental sustainability, social responsibility, trade facilitation and consumer matters were the topics covered during the three-day conference of FIVS, with attendance from all segments of the alcohol beverage industry.