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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


KVNW organizes Symposium: “Wine as part of a healthy and responsible lifestyle”

KVNW organizes Symposium: “Wine as part of a healthy and responsible lifestyle”

Last 24 January, the Royal Association of Dutch Wine Traders (KVNW) organised a symposium to discuss the latest scientific research around wine, alcohol and health. Experts from different horizons joined to share their knowledge on current research on healthy eating and drinking, the changing attitude towards alcoholic beverages and the influence of the media on public opinion regarding alcohol and wine consumption.

Among the important issues discussed around the topics of lifestyle and nutrition: Mediterranean Diet and the importance of lifestyle as a factor to be considered for a long and healthy life; the J-Curve and moderate drinking; alcohol consumption among different generation groups, etc.

Renowned experts such as Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm*, Prof. Dr. Frans Kok* and Dr. Jos Ahlers* shared their insights and experiences.


The second subject that was addressed was the link between alcohol and how it is communicated.

While Prof. Dr. van Riel, stated in his presentation that there is a fundamental change in public opinion about alcohol/wine; Dr. Ruigrok, presented her investigation on the media coverage of wine and health in the last 10 years, showing an increase in the reporting on the harmful effects of alcohol consumption between 2009 and 2019.


Through this symposium, the KVNW reinforced its commitment to play an active role in sharing knowledge, especially on the topics addressed. Chairman Peter van Houtert confirmed that informing consumers about wine as part of a healthy lifestyle is high on the agenda of the KVNW and that it is one of the activities on which the KVNW will be firmly focused in the coming years.

The KVNW joined the Wine in Moderation Programme in July 2015 and has been very active since then through the “Wim over Wijn” campaign among others.


  • Prof. Dr. Nicolai Worm, affiliated with the German University for Prevention and Health Management (DHPG) in Saarbrücken, and Chair of the Wine Information Council.
  • Prof. Dr. Frans Kok, Emeritus Professor of Nutrition and Health and former head of the Human Nutrition Department at Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
  • Dr. Jos Ahlers, researcher into the behaviour of modern youth: the so-called generation Z.
  • Prof. Dr. van Riel, emeritus professor of corporate communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and co-founder of the Reputation Institute
  • Dr. Nel P.C. Ruigrok, (external) researcher at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication Department of Media and Communication