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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


Jerez the 2014 European Wine City joins the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme

Jerez the 2014 European Wine City joins the Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre Programme

On the occasion of its celebration as the 2014 European Wine City, the city of Jerez and the “Jerez Wine and Brandy Route” both signed a commitment of adhesion with the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV) and the Wine and Nutrition Research Foundation (FIVIN).

By signing this agreement, they commit to the WIM principles and agree to spread the Wine in Moderation message in a region where the wine industry occupies a very important position and where wine tradition is deeply rooted in society. Moreover, not only do they commit to spreading the WIM message, they also commit to complying with the Wine Communication Standards materialised in Spain by the “Wine Self-Regulation Code” or Código de Autorregulación del Vino managed by FEV.

In this day of celebration, the adhesion of 2014’s European Wine City to the WIM Programme not only follows the consistent and successful work that is taking place in Spain, but most importantly, sets the example for all European and worldwide Wine Cities to join the WIM Programme.