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Press Release


Press Release – Brussels, 05 November 2019: “CHOOSE | SHARE | CARE” is the new message of Wine in Moderation with an innovative visual identity.

The new Brand Strategy, message and visual identity are a result of a year-long reflection at the conclusion of the Wine in Moderation´s 10th year in existence.

Today, through the new Brand Strategy and communication, Wine in Moderation will continue to support wine professionals to inspire a sustainable culture of wine. With sound scientific evidence and responsible service training professionals will be provided knowledge, skills and tools, to help them understand the benefits of moderate consumption and risks associated with alcohol abuse.

This support will allow wineries to seize opportunities created by wine tourism, by co-creating responsible wine experiences to help wine tourists enjoy responsibly, and wine communities to capture value from the rising flows of wine tourism. The WiM Association will continue to work with professionals who want to make a difference using innovative tools, sharing good practices and opportunities to take tangible and relevant actions to help their customers make informed decisions.

“This exciting evolution marks a new beginning for Wine in Moderation
” said George Sandeman, President of the WiM Association. “We have brought the message closer to professionals and consumers, making it more relevant, encouraging moderation and well-being, while supporting the sustainability of rural viticultural areas.”

The updated Brand Strategy comes to life through the new tagline “CHOOSE I SHARE I CARE”, a new modern visual identity and colourful icons which communicate the wine sector’s commitment to a sustainable culture of wine.

During the last 10 years and the hard work of many, Wine in Moderation has evolved from the vision of a few to a credible international social responsibility standard for the wine sector.

“This is an important step to support an ever-growing movement
” says Stylianos Filopoulos, Director of WiM Association. “We are delighted that the new Branding is the result of a series of innovative events, where members, partners and key experts came together to co-create the future of Wine in Moderation.”

Accountability has been at the heart of the Wine in Moderation Programme since the very beginning, and in the new strategy clear targets are established to measure the number of entities joining the Wine in Moderation movement and the number of professionals trained. These new performance indicators will be in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and will contribute to the sustainable development of wine and of our communities.

New Wine in Moderation Branding