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Nastavení bude uloženo 24 hodin.

Initiatives from Members


Bodegas de Argentina's commitment to responsible wine enjoyment shines at key events

Bodegas de Argentina's commitment to responsible wine enjoyment shines at key events

Bodegas de Argentina continues to actively embrace the Wine in Moderation programme by incorporating it in their activities, including the prestigious 4th Congress of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (Congreso de Higiene Ocupacional y Ambiental), which is regarded as one of the nation's premier events in this specialised field.

Bodegas de Argentina included information on moderate and responsible consumption in their exhibition booth, where the Wine in Moderation banner was placed, and responsible consumption guidelines presented.

Bodegas de Argentina also participated in "Dionisias" wine fair’s second edition, a platform celebrating women in the vine sector where the Wine in Moderation message was present. Over the course of two days, more than 1500 attendees attended the fair.