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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Novità dall'Associazione


WiM holds the First Train-the-Trainer Session: Empowering Wine Professionals for Responsible Service and Sustainable Consumption

WiM holds the First Train-the-Trainer Session: Empowering Wine Professionals for Responsible Service and Sustainable Consumption

Following the launch of the Responsible Service Program at Prowein and VinItaly, WiM  undertook the 1st train-the-trainer session on May 30, 2023, at the Wine in Moderation office in Brussels.

Representatives from WiM’s ambassador companies, national coordinators, and related organizations from Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France, gathered to learn about the Program with the intention of introducing it in their home country or company.

In a daylong session led by Ursula Fradera and George Sandeman the participants started with and “icebreaker” session, sharing information about themselves and the cultural and legal aspects of wine in their home country. The diverse country-specific insights, enhanced by the varied professional backgrounds in marketing, wine education, production, and more, brought their wealth of expertise to the training and contributed to an intense discussion and constructive feedback,

The significance of this initial train-the-trainer session was emphasized by Ursula and George, saying "It is really important to equip a core team of trainers with the knowledge they need to train other wine professionals effectively in their own environments. That's why it's essential for us to have the opportunity where we can share valuable insights on how to handle different situations, audiences, and the specific realities of each country."

The interactive training took the form of the nine modules, including wine-related  legislation, social responsibility in business practices, and best practices in responsible wine service.

A highlight for the participants was Ursula Fradera’s session on Wine and Health where   the scientific background about wine/alcoholic beverages and health issues was discussed. The session covered a range of topics, including international drinking guidelines, the risks associated with excessive drinking, the potential benefits of moderate wine consumption within a balanced diet and lifestyle, the J-Curve and blood alcohol concentration, and even included a practical demonstration using a digital breathalyzer to measure participants' BAC after enjoying a light lunch with a glass of wine.

During the session three boards were available, providing participants with the opportunity to share their suggestions on  things to improve ,  things to avoid, and things  they liked. The constructive feedback and exchange of ideas within the group  was very important adapt and improve and  the training modules.

The successful conclusion of this  first train-the-trainer session, is a small, but important step in the  promotion of  responsible wine service and contribution to sustainable consumption practices in these countries.

Those interested in learning more about Responsible Service Modules, or participating in future sessions, should contact their national coordinator or the WiM Secretariat.