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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Iniziative dei nostri membri


Vin et Société promotes responsible consumption at the 2022 Paris International Agricultural Show

Vin et Société promotes responsible consumption at the 2022 Paris International Agricultural Show

In a joyful atmosphere, farmers celebrated meeting their consumers once again and being all-together after the pandemic.  Visitors discovered the campaign "A good wine can be served with anything, never without moderation" in the Pavilion des Vins from 26 February to 6 March.

Signed by the men and women of the vine and wine, the campaign was launched in the first part of 2021 and aimed at the general public, highlighting the link between wine, food and moderation.

To spread this message, the campaign was developed around a website where users can take the quiz "What kind of foodista are you?", discover their foodista profile(s) and what kind of moderate wine drinker they are. Depending on the result of the quiz, four food and wine pairing recommendations are then suggested, while offering the possibility to discover the other profiles and suggestions.

Visitors of the International Agricultural Show also had the possibility to take the quiz to discover their foodista profile and collect the postcards in the colours of the campaign including food and wine pairing suggestions. In total, 7,000 copies of these postcards were distributed throughout the Show!

This initiative is in line with Wine in Moderation’s message for a responsible consumption of wine during meals and in a convivial setting.

To know more about the campaign, click here.