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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Iniziative dei nostri membri


Bodegas de Argentina promotes responsible wine consumption as part of Argentina's culture

Bodegas de Argentina promotes responsible wine consumption as part of Argentina's culture

In May, Bodegas de Argentina raised awareness through the media about responsible consumption, their position on the matter and their work with the Wine in Moderation programme.

Bodegas de Argentina joined Wine in Moderation in 2013, with the commitment to educate consumers on healthy drinking patterns and the risks connected to excessive consumption of wine. In the frame of the Programme, the wine sector, through Bodegas de Argentina, carried out different actions to educate consumers and professionals alike on a responsible and moderate consumption of wine.

On the one hand, a challenging task: the communication and dissemination of responsible wine consumption messages, which has been embraced by different actors who support Bodegas de Argentina: wineries, gastronomy schools, media and institutions joined the commitment to encourage responsibility, becoming a supporting community. On the other hand, training responsible professionals through programs on moderate wine consumption and how to responsibly present, sell and serve wine.

The promotion of a responsible and sustainable culture of wine is indeed very important in Argentina, where wine is not only part of the culture, but has been declared National Drink (Law 26.870) and contributes to the economic development of the country.