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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Training on responsible and moderate consumption

Training on responsible and moderate consumption

Following the Partnership agreement between WIM Association and HOTREC to encourage Partnership action at national level and with the experience gained by the VET Art de Vivre Partnership Programme, Vin & Société has formalised a first major partnership with SYNHORCAT – the National Union of Hotel, Restaurant, Café and Catering – making training on responsible and moderate consumption mandatory for all future professionals of the industry.

To address the issues related to responsible consumption, Vin & Société has developed training material available online. Their goal? Train future professionals and prescribers of the wine industry, hotel and restaurant on moderate and responsible consumption patterns in order for them to become ambassadors of moderation and responsibility.

Primarily designed for group use, the objective is to disseminate this training and the principles of responsible consumption to maximum future professionals.

Member of WIM Aisbl, Vin & Société has implemented the "Art de Vivre" Programme in the form of vocational education and training with the aim to increase knowledge, skills and competences of wine professionals, and with a view to helping them and their customers make well-informed, responsible choices compatible with a healthy lifestyle, and to reduce misuse and abuse of alcohol.

Following the general principle of the WIM Programme, the educational programmes are implemented and organised at national level and can be tailored to better address specific national and professional groups' needs.