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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Federvini’s successful Drink Test App

Federvini’s successful Drink Test App

Together with H3G-Tre Italia (the third Italian mobile company) & Fondazione Umberto Veronesi (Italian foundation dedicated to the widespread of scientific education and the support to scientific research), Federvini supported and promoted the launch of an app’ (for Iphone, Androïd, Windows Phone) that helps users learn more about their theoretical Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) levels.

The Drink Test application not only provides key facts and figures about alcohol, legislation and alcohol content in wine, spirits and beer (per unit); it also gives the user guidelines on how to best appreciate wine and alcohol in moderation. Moreover, the data provided by the user (gender, weight, food consumption, and number & types of drinks), enables the app to calculate the hypothetical blood alcohol level and gives the user more information on his or her alcohol consumption. The benefit of this app is that if needed, the GPS and the A-GPS based technology allows the user to immediately find and call a taxi in the surrounding area (this technology is only available in Italy).

The Drink Test App was launched during Vinitaly (April 2013) with a press conference and supported through a continuous media relations activity. A short video was produced in order to explain the correct usage of the app and further promote it on the internet. Furthermore, Tre Italia texted approximately 700.000 clients to encourage them to download the Drink Test app. The message was: “Happy hour or dinner with your friends? Download the app drink test for free, use it and drink in a responsible way”.

The presentation and the following media relations activity generated 49 direct stories on print, web and TV media. As a complementary action, Federvini launched two majors advertising campaigns in Milan and Rome’s metros and airports in September 2013.

For two weeks in Rome and three in Milan, people in the metro could see a short video staring the Drink Test App. Due to its success; the campaign is foreseen to be repeated in 2014 and 2015 at the same period.

Around 9.000 people have downloaded the application so far.

The App is available on on-line stores or via the dedicated website: