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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
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Wine in Moderation presents Responsible Service Training at the Barcelona Wine Week

Wine in Moderation presents Responsible Service Training at the Barcelona Wine Week

For the second consecutive year, Wine in Moderation collaborated with the Barcelona Wine Week, one of the most important wine fairs in Spain. After actively including the Wine in Moderation message in all their promotional and communication material in 2023, the Barcelona Wine Week invited Wine in Moderation to participate in a session during the fair where the educational material developed by the association was presented.

The colloquium: "From responsible service to moderate consumption: training the professionals of the future as a key" took place on Monday 05 February 2024 and gathered Nadia Frittella, Secretary General of the Wine in Moderation Association, Eduardo de Diego, Director of Communications at the Spanish Wine Federation, Elisa Errea, Director of The Wine Studio, and Toni Cruces, Director of FIVIN, to discuss the challenges of promoting healthy and balanced lifestyles through moderate consumption and the need to convey these messages both to the sector itself and to society as a whole.

The collaboration with BWW allows us to expand our reach and presence at trade fairs around the world while giving our message for a responsible and moderate wine consumption more visibility. Visit the Barcelona Wine Week website for more information on the fair.