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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


EDOAO successfully concludes first year of the “Greek Wine Academy” bringing moderate wine consumption to the attention of professionals

EDOAO successfully concludes first year of the “Greek Wine Academy” bringing moderate wine consumption to the attention of professionals

EDOAO has positively concluded the first year of a special informational programme called the “Greek Wine Academy”.

Among the main actions of the programme, the Foundation course, a training addressing professionals working in the HO.RE.CA, retail and wine tourism sectors in Greece and Germany with a focus on Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) - Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) wines and moderate consumption of wine.

Delivered with the support of the WSPC school, the Certified Training Organization in Wine, Spirits, Winemaking and Non-Alcoholic Beverages/Beverages, the course reached 100 professionals based in Corfu - Crete - Kos - Halkidiki and Athens, who had the chance to get to know more about the Wine in Moderation Programme.

Given the positive outcome, the training will be replicated next year and held in additional cities all over Greece.