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Responsib’All Day celebrates its fifth anniversary

Responsib’All Day celebrates its fifth anniversary

Pernod Ricard celebrated the fifth edition of Responsib’All Day last 11 June. This company event which brings together the Group's 18,000 employees is exclusively focused on promoting responsible drinking and moderate consumption.

Every edition is dedicated to a specific topic related to responsible and moderate drinking; and whereas last year’s edition was about engaging the digital spectrum in the service of the 5 industry commitments, the 2015 edition saw Pernod Ricard announce that it is committing its sales force to promoting the key principles of responsible distribution among retailers.

Announced and launched during the Responsib’All Day 2015, Pernod Ricard's 5,500 salespeople distributed 500,000 pamphlets to their main customers (cafés, hotels, restaurants and major retailers) throughout the world with the goal to involve retailers in promoting the principles of responsible drinking based on the guidelines issued by health authorities.

Retailers operate on a local level and are in permanent contact with consumers. They therefore have a key role to play in promoting the responsible selling of alcohol beverages.

The leaflets that were distributed to the retailers underline the following 8 key principles:

  1. Ban the sale of alcohol to minors
  2. Refrain from selling alcohol to intoxicated persons
  3. Discourage drink driving
  4. Educate pregnant women about the risks associated with consumption of alcohol
  5. Do not encourage excessive consumption with promotions or unsuitable offers
  6. Ensure alcohol tastings are not offered to minors during promotional events in stores
  7. Educate and train teams about responsible selling and drinking
  8. Verify the age of online shoppers.

In addition, this practical leaflet also lists the amounts of alcohol contained in a standard glass and the drinking guidelines recommended by health authorities.

Launched in 2011, the Responsib’All Day aims at encouraging sharing of best practices as well as the implementation of concrete CSR initiatives.