

How to integrate Wine in Moderation in companies’ CSR strategies – a Wine in Moderation event during Vinitaly

How to integrate Wine in Moderation in companies’ CSR strategies – a Wine in Moderation event during Vinitaly

Wine in Moderation was the central theme in an event co-organised by two of the National Coordinators in Italy, Unione Italiana Vini and FEDERVINI.

The event took place on 16 April at the MASAF Pavilion (Ministerial space) in Vinitaly and included introductory presentations by Wine in Moderation’s President and Secretary General, Sandro Sartor and Nadia Frittella, who gave an overview of the programme, the structure of the association, the current membership and the main pillars of action. National Coordinators Unione Italiana Vini and FEDERVINI also took the floor to explain to attendees their role in Wine in Moderation and the actions they have taken as part of the programme.

Finally, Ruffino and Gruppo Mezzacorona, two important wine producing companies, presented their implementation as Ambassador companies of Wine in Moderation, and explained how they integrated Wine in Moderation into their Corporate Social Responsibility strategies and the actions they have taken in this frame.

The event saw the attendance of numerous company representatives, government officials and other stakeholders.