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Summer festivals adopt the responsible message as well !

Summer festivals adopt the responsible message as well !

With spring reaching the northern hemisphere, it will soon be the time to start planning activities to reach the consumers with the moderate and responsible message through expos, food fairs and summer festivals.

For the first time ever, Sogrape Vinhos placed Wine in Moderation at two of Portugal’s leading summer festivals. Seeking to raise awareness of the benefit of moderate consumption and the risk of drinking and driving, Sogrape Vinhos launched actions with breathalyzer tests at the 4th edition of NOS Primavera Sound, in Porto, and at the 22nd edition of Super Bock Super Rock, in Lisbon.

If you drink, don’t drive! Aiming to raise awareness on the risks of drinking and driving, 2 200 Wine in Moderation brochures containing guidelines for low-risk consumption, as well as information on units of measurement and the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limits for driving in Portugal were handed out to visitors.

Sogrape Vinhos reached 1000 participants and offered 800 free breathalyzer tests at the NOS Primavera Sound summer festival, which took place from 4th to 6th June 2015 and 1200 additional participants at the Super Bock Super Rock, held from 16th to 18thJuly, offering 800 supplementary breathalyzer tests.

Now I know that I can’t drive! It would be great if we could take a breathalyzer test in pubs and festivals, places where we have access to alcoholic beverages. Thanks, Wine in Moderation” – said a 26 years old participant after his breathalyzer test in Primavera Sound.

Sogrape Vinhos carried out breathalyzer tests at 4 major consumer events during 2015, reaching over 3400 individuals with information regarding drinking and driving.