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The Spanish campaign QUIEN SABE BEBER, SABE VIVIR was presented in Barcelona on November 18th 2013, for its second year running. The campaign is an initiative of the wine Spanish sector and relies on the support and financing of the Department of Agriculture, Supply (Food) and Environment and of the European Commission. This three-year programme has the primary aim of increasing knowledge about how to enjoy wine in moderation, highlighting its value in our society, culture, landscape and the Mediterranean diet.

The Spanish Federation of Wine (FEV) with the support and co-financing of the Spanish Consortium of Wine Regulation Councils (CECRV) has taken part in the initiative. Both entities represent the sector, including wine companies and Spanish Names of Origin.

The press conference which took place in the Hotel Casa Fuster, Barcelona (Spain) saw the intervention of several important personalities: the President of the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV), D. Javier Pagés, the President of the Spanish Consortium of Wine Regulation Councils (CECRV), D. Amancio Moyano and the General Manager of the group of communication GREY, D. Enrique Vila. All of them emphasized the importance of the campaign and explained its plan of actions for this second year. Manel Fuentes and Inés Ballester, prestigious "ambassadors" of the campaign, who collaborate on a voluntary basis, were also present.

The book “50 Recipes to enjoy wine” produced for the campaign and which has stopped being edited recently, was also presented for the occasion. 50 prominent public figures collaborated by giving their “recipe for happiness”.

Moreover, the new app “Sube tu Receta” not only allows the user to elaborate his own advertisement with his own recipe of happiness, he also has the possibility to share it on social media. Besides, anyone has the possibility to upload the book on the internet or to request a free printed copy.

This campaign will keep on going for the next two years, trying to reach the majority of the Spanish population with the message of the moderation.