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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


Vin et Société partners with the French Union of Sommeliers during the COVID-19 crisis

Vin et Société partners with the French Union of Sommeliers during the COVID-19 crisis

Philippe Faure-Brac, Best Sommelier of the World 1992 and current President of the French Union of Sommeliers, launched in partnership with Vin & Société, an Insta Lives meeting called #TastewhileConfined starting Tuesday, April 14 inviting their respective communities on Instagram to stay in touch during the lock down, and to preserve moments of sharing and conviviality.

During the entire quarantine, three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m., he will welcome a guest to talk about the taste of wines and the pleasure of food. On the menu: advice, tastings, anecdotes, reviews, meetings, something to delight the wine lovers’ community very active on Instagram.

Chefs, gastronomic journalists, sommeliers, friends and colleagues, wine enthusiasts have already confirmed their participation: they will provide advice, lead tastings, and share their daily lives as professionals confined due to the Covid-19 crisis.

To watch or re-watch these Insta Lives: visit the Vin et Société website: