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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


Four celebrity chefs join the Vin et Société campaign "A good wine can be served with anything, never without moderation"

 Four celebrity chefs join the Vin et Société campaign "A good wine can be served with anything, never without moderation"

Yannick Alléno, Nina Métayer, Gwilherm de Cerval, Gianmarco Giorni: 4 Foodistars join the communication campaign "A good wine can be served with anything, never without moderation" launched by the Men and Women of Vine and Wine

Gastronomaniac, Veggie Gourmand, BBQ Master, Street Lover, Traditionista, Bec sucré and Apéritivore: which foodistas are they? What do they consider a perfect wine and food pairing ? And which are their favorites? 

Foodistars videos have been online since February 8 via YouTube and on the campaign site:

Just like these great epicureans, “the Men and Women of Vine and Wine” invite everyone to savor the new French “art of vine” in the heart of the diversity of French terroirs and grape varieties. On the campaign website, the quiz offered allows you to discover your foodista profile as well as four original recipes and their associated wine pairings.

While every foodistar has their own culinary preferences, everyone shares the same rule: moderation is the perfect match. A manifesto of moderation, a real entry point into “the art of the French vine” can be downloaded online.