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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


Pleasure/health relationship to be discussed in Italy

Pleasure/health relationship to be discussed in Italy

With the endorsement of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, UIV is organising a round table debate with the aim of discussing the relation between pleasure and health bearing in mind the unique place of wine in the Italian culture and society.

Authorities, doctors, anthropologists, nutritionists and experts will get together to debate on this important topic and try to make light of the issues at stake. Minister of Agriculture – Maurizio Martina is expected to join the debate.

Moderated by RAI Uno Journalist – Franco Di Mare – the discussion will touch upon the many implications of wine – cultural and social, physiological, psychological and nutritional – and will explore the relationship between alcohol, pleasure, quality of life and health, analysing the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a perspective of health and wellness.

The round table discussion "Alcohol: between reason and feeling" will be organised by Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) on 12 March in Rome.

For more information on this event, we invite you to visit UIV’s website.