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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
Novità dall'Associazione


Celebrating WiM Annual event 2016

Celebrating WiM Annual event 2016

For one more year, Wine in Moderation celebrated its anniversary in Brussels together with many important wine personalities.

Celebrating 8 years since the launch of Wine in Moderation, and only 4 years after the creation of the WiM Association to manage the programme, the reception was a great opportunity to present the performance and results for 2014-2015 and the inclusion of information about wine and diet on our website.

The event was also the occasion to celebrate the new partnership with the prestigious Institute of Masters of Wine.

The WiM Annual Event was organised following the 2016 FIVS Global Trade Policy Conference and gathered more than 75 personalities, ranging from European and international authorities, to high representatives of the international wine business around the world, and many friends and partners. A short greeting was made by OIV President Monika Christmann and FIVS President Greg Hodson.