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Prevention campaign in Italian supermarkets

Prevention campaign in Italian supermarkets

The fourth edition of the social campaign "Conoscere l’alcol" started off on 10 June 2016 in Italian supermarkets. With the goal to capture the consumer’s attention and increase its awareness on the importance of moderate and responsible consumption, the campaign will last for two months and will be available in over 200 stores across the country.

Material indicating the degree of alcohol of the most common alcoholic beverages and the situations in which total abstention is advised (under age, drink driving, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.) will be distributed to consumers.

23 “prevention days” are also planned. Organised in cooperation with specialised personnel, these days will aim to raise awareness on the issues of abusive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Consumers will be informed about moderate and responsible drinking as well as dangerous behaviours (binge drinking, driving a car after drinking alcohol, etc.) through a multimedia quiz.

Similarly to last year’s edition, the campaign is promoted by Diageo, Pernord Ricard and Ruffino, with the support of the Wine in Moderation National Coordinator Unione Italiana Vini, in collaboration with Auchan, Simply and malls of Italy and supported by the "Guadagnare Salute" or the “Gain health” programme of the Italian Ministry of Health.