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Wine in Moderation nieuws
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Sogrape raises awareness about drink and drive at Chefs on Fire

Sogrape raises awareness about drink and drive at Chefs on Fire

From 17 to 18 September, Sogrape was present at the event “Chefs on Fire”, in Cascais, Portugal to raise awareness about the risks of drinking and driving.

The 2022 edition of the event gathered several renowned personalities of the national and international gastronomical scene, as well as Portuguese music artists, in a relaxed summer atmosphere to give visitors a taste of a wide variety of signature dishes to accompany Sogrape wines.

Under the motto “Choose, share and care”, Sogrape carried out 403 breathalyser tests, which revealed values between 0 and 1,93 g/l, and handed out around 400 brochures containing guidelines for low-risk consumption, units of measurement and the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limits for driving in Portugal. 

As part of the promotion of the Wine in Moderation programme and its commitment to the National Alcohol and Health Forum, Sogrape’s hostesses raised awareness about the importance of moderate drinking and warned about the risks of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, reminding that the consumption of alcoholic beverages affects the capacity to perform certain activities, such as driving, and it is always advised to avoid drinking on such occasions.