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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Sogrape brings the message of moderation to private event

Sogrape brings the message of moderation to private event

On 4 November, Sogrape took part in the private event Bagos d’Ouro Wine to raise awareness on the risks of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

The event titled “Let’s have hope”, gathered over 75 consumers, and took place in the region of Gaia, and was the opportunity to organise a wine tasting featuring wines from the Douro Demarcated Region.

Bagos D'Ouro is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) of exclusively private initiative, whose mission is to promote the education of children and young people of the Douro, who live in economic deprivation, as a form of social inclusion in the territory. The Bagos D'Ouro Wine Party is annually organised to raise funds to support children from the Douro region living in economic need.