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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Wine in Moderation reaches high levels in Hungary

Wine in Moderation reaches high levels in Hungary

After a busy summer, the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT), Wine in Moderation national coordinator in Hungary, has kept its momentum going and has been actively developing actions and accompanying two important national events with the Wine in Moderation message and brand.

Budapest Wine Festival

The Wine in Moderation programme had its debut for the public at the Budapest Wine Festival (07-10.09.2017.), Hungary’s most popular wine festival. Visited by tens of thousands guests every year, the festival was a great opportunity to inform and educate consumers about the moderate and responsible consumption of wine through fun and interactive activities.

As co-exhibitors of the event, the Pannonia Wine Sisterhood (PWS) and HNT focused on different activities aiming to reach a maximum of visitors.

On the one hand, one of the festival stages welcomed a panel discussion with a focus the message of wine, its history, traditions, gastronomy; the effect of wine on health ; and the link of wine with culture: wine in literature and music/ Wine, fun, party - how to do it responsibly?

The panel discussions were animated by members of the Pannonia Wine Sisterhood with the help of authentic winemakers, gastronomists, physicians, marketing experts and artists. With the aim of involving the audience, the pannelists also organised prize-winning quizzes on the basic rules of a moderate consumption of wine.


On the other hand, the HNT-staff welcomed the public at Butlers Wine Quiz Bar, an interactive tent, where visitors had the opportunity to learn more about wine and where they could test their knowledge on this noble beverage.

Meanwhile, HNT staff, recognisable with their branded Wine in Moderation t-shirts, went around measuring visitor’s alcohol level with breathalysers, explaining the results and the consequences to the tested guests.

1500 Wine in Moderation-leaflets were distributed throughout the festival and Wine in Moderation tattoos specifically created for the occasion proved very popular among visitors, exhibitors and journalists !

National Agriculture and Food Exhibition

The National Agriculture and Food Exhibition (OMÉK) took place right after the Budapest Wine Festival from 20 to 24 September. Considered one of the biggest fairs in central Europe and the largest agricultural event in Hungary, the fair welcomed 950 exhibitors and one hundred thousand visitors (public and professionals).

Participants had the opportunity to learn more about wine tasting during free mini-courses. The 700 guests who participated in these education sessions received a Wine in Moderation leaflet informing them about the moderate and responsible consumption of wine.

A total of 38 wines from 13 wine regions were presented by popular wine educators. The stories of the wines brought the audience closer to the gastronomy and culture of the Hungarian regions.

HNT joined the Wine in Moderation in May 2016
and has been stepping up action in the past months implementing the Wine in Moderation programme and joining forces with other sectors to expand its reach.