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Notícias sobre Vinho com Moderação
Iniciativas dos membros


Hungarian wines go WiM

Hungarian wines go WiM

Celebrating its first year as national coordinator of the Wine in Moderation programme in Hungary, the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) has been increasing actions targeting professionals and consumers, developing material and increasing its reach throughout the country.

A number of activities have been planned by HNT to inform and educate consumers on how to appreciate wine in a moderate and responsible way. And with the aim of expanding Wine in Moderation to the national tourism sector, HNT joined forces with the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) developing a common strategy to increase Wine in Moderation’s reach in the country.

Considering moderate wine consumption as an integral part of their marketing concept for the Tourism and Hungarian Wines brand, MTÜ and HNT organised a six-station wine marketing road show that travelled through six Hungarian wine regions in July only. Experts of the two organisations discussed with more than 350 representatives of the wine sector and worked closely together on the implementation of Wine in Moderation which was also presented in this occasion.

In parallel to presenting the programme to Hungarian winemakers, the association has also been working hard on its communication material, translating the Wine in Moderation website into Hungarian and developing leaflets and other material adapting the message with a local touch to reach the local consumer. The Wine in Moderation message also accompanied notable events organised in the Hungarian capital during the summer.

HNT joined the Wine in Moderation in May 2016 and has been stepping up action in the past months implementing the Wine in Moderation programme and joining forces with other sectors to expand its reach.