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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


Vinos y Bodegas Wine Fair – A classic event

Vinos y Bodegas Wine Fair – A classic event

For its 15th edition, the Vinos y Bodegas Wine Fair has taken a step further by putting forward the link between wine and gastronomy and welcoming a gourmet market. Visitors had the opportunity to appreciate delicacies from five famous food trucks alongside the wines from 45 wineries representing the various vitivinicultural regions of Argentina and therefore appreciate food and wine pairings that give you a richer experience with more varied tastes, textures and pleasure.

The event which took place from 24 to 26 September, positions itself as the responsible wine fair by providing free water fountains to ensure good hydration, making sure there is a large variety of food offer and encouraging people to consume wine moderately and responsibly. People under the age of 18 were not allowed in the fair either.

To provide additional information on a moderate and responsible consumption of wine, visitors were presented with the WIM message of moderation in the entire fair’s communication material.