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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Temporary personnel will receive Wine in Moderation training

Temporary personnel will receive Wine in Moderation training

Bodegas de Argentina has signed a Partnership agreement with Bayton HHRR with the aim to educate staff and employees about drinking guidelines and responsible and moderate consumption of wine.

Empowering professional by vocational education and training is one of the main missions of the Wine in Moderation Programme; and Bodegas de Argentina is working towards improving knowledge of professionals about drinking guidelines and the Wine in Moderation message. It is in this frame that Bodegas de Argentina signed a Partnership agreement with Bayton HHRR last January 2016.

Bayton HHRR is a leading company in Argentina that provides different solutions supplying temporary personnel for companies; and the aim of this Partnership will be to develop an educational and a communication plan destined at their staff and employees to learn more about drinking guidelines and responsible and moderate consumption of wine.

With Partnerships at the heart of the Wine in Moderation Programme, BdA has already initiated important Partnerships with Hertz Argentina, Danone, etc. BdA will continue working towards welcoming new Partners to promote the message of responsible consumption.