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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Initiatieven van leden


Sogrape at Encontro com o Vinho e Sabores 2015

Sogrape at Encontro com o Vinho e Sabores 2015

Sogrape Vinhos was present at the 2015 “Encontro com o Vinho e Sabores” offering free breathalyzer tests to visitors of Lisbon’s consumer wine fair as part of the promotion of the “Wine in Moderation – Art de Vivre” programme.

Aiming to raise awareness about the benefits of moderate consumption and the risks of the abusive consumption of alcohol, WIM brochures were handed out to visitors. These brochures contained guidelines for low-risk consumption, units of measurement and the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limits for driving in Portugal.

The interest of the visitors was outstanding and almost 1000 participants took breathalyzer tests as they left the expo.

“Through this initiative we have access to relevant information such as the legal blood alcohol concentration limit for driving and the ways of get home safely.” – said a participant after his breathalyzer test.

Sogrape Vinhos has carried out breathalyzer tests at 4 consumer events during 2015, reaching over 3400 participants with information regarding drinking and driving.