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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


Responsible Service Training Takes the Spotlight at Vinitaly 2023: A Success Story for Wine in Moderation

Responsible Service Training Takes the Spotlight at Vinitaly 2023: A Success Story for Wine in Moderation

Vinitaly 2023 was the perfect setting for Wine in Moderation to launch its new Responsible Service training program on the conference, promoted by WineInModeration, which was attended by sector professionals.

The President of Wine in Moderation, Sandro Sartor, gave an elaborate and interesting presentation on the importance of the programme and the benefits it offers. He emphasized the relevance of this type of tool in today's world and why the wine sector needs to care and understand its benefits.

As the international programme of the wine sector, Wine in Moderation has developed a training tool that will be available in different formats, including face-to-face and digital, and will be adapted to the cultural needs and national legislation of every country, ensuring the best possible implementation.

Through its Responsible Service training, Wine in Moderation aims to empower wine professionals, such as sommeliers, tasting room staff, and hospitality industry workers, to promote and encourage responsible wine consumption among their customers.

Overall, Vinitaly 2023 was a huge success for Wine in Moderation, as it was able to share its message of responsible wine culture with a wide range of sector professionals and wine enthusiasts.