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Wine in Moderation nieuws
Nieuws van de Association


OIV includes information and training on moderate and responsible drinking in draft resolutions

OIV includes information and training on moderate and responsible drinking in draft resolutions

04-14 April, Paris. WiM Association proposals to include training on moderate drinking and responsible business practices in the OIV recommended guidelines for the training curricula of Sommelier and Oenologist were accepted during the OIV spring technical committees.

At its first participation in the technical meetings of International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) as Observer, the WiM association contributed in the discussions of the Commissions and Expert Groups.

WiM association highlighted the inclusion of informing consumer and educating professionals on wine, health and responsible drinking by making concrete proposals on key draft resolutions such as the OIV General Principles of Sustainable Vitiviniculture - Environmental - Social - Economic Aspects”, the “Training Programme for Sommeliers” and the “Training Programs for Oenologists”.

All WiM association proposals were accepted by the experts and representatives of the member states and especially warmly welcomed in the occasion of the training guidelines.

The Spring Meetings also provided the opportunity for the WiM Association to present the Wine in Moderation programme and specifically the work on scientific documentation to the OIV’s CONUSA (consumption, nutrition and health) expert group.